December 10, 2009

Searching for a cheat sheet? Looking hard for particular code/syntax.
As a developer you don’t need to remember or memorize the full code, you need to know the logic / write the logic that’s it. Here is a site that contains different code snippets useful in our day to day development. There are many categories like SQL, C#.NET, ASP.NET, JavaScript, LINQ, WPF, CSS etc.
This site is launched by my fellow MVP friend Jacob SqlServer Expert
You can contribute to the site if you are interested.
Here are the details

It's really useful for the community and you can find out some common code snippets where you struck with

I am contributing in ASP.NET,WPF and ASP.NET, C#.NET and JavaScript
Looking forward to hear the suggestions, feedback about the site.


Pranav Ainavolu said...

The site is really kool!

HimaBindu Vejella said...

Yes Paranav, It really helps in finding commony used code snippets day to day.

Justsearch with technology or keyword you are looking for

As the namesuggests its for syntaxhelp
As you don't need to remember syntax/code only logic is important